Friday, 13 December 2013

CMS And Web Development Share A Symbiotic Relationship

When you have a designed a site and simultaneously handling the content management responsibility, you have control over the entre process and things become easy to mange. Problem is, most of the time you are designing the site for some clients, and not necessarily they are technically sound enough to edit the content displayed on the site layout. In fact, the site content handled by a non-expert and the concerned web design job handled by an expert result nothing but trouble. The solution is easy and obvious; you got to take CMS as a part of the web development to counter this troublesome situation. That’s the trick you are to follow, in order to take control of the pages created.

Know your control limit

Either you are entitled to edit the templates available with the CMS, or the authorization is there to restructure the entire content management system around the pages so designed. Depending on this entitlement, your control over the CMS varies. In case the users are allowed to contribute the HTML created by themselves, things can be difficult for a web page designer to match steps with this approach. You have a productive solution; maintain a system that limits the user’s freedom and whatever markup they use, the system channelizes it in a structured manner to help the designer.

Consistency counts

Flexibility of the content management solution is accountable in terms of ease and consistency of the templates shown up on the page layout. It calls for a structured web page design, where each section of the system is considered as a block with significant repetitiveness. You have rescuer called CSS3 to get this advantage, just make sure about supportiveness shown up by the respective browser. This technique gives you the option to add more subsections to each of the classes, simply by editing the HTML code of the CMS maintained.

Presumption can backfire

It’s justified that you have opted for a display with few header embedded boxes, and assuming that the user will stick to a particular text font or with limited heights. Webpage design Singapore, for example, is your preferred headline in grid based CMS display, where the entire text is expected to fit into a single line. But the user opted for the content in such a manner that the first two words of the line are fitted into the same line, and the third word into the second line. That’s not the only case, the boxes accompanying the header gets scattered, and you end up getting a messy layout rather than a neatly maintained one. The concerned person handling the web development job should be ready to tackle the situation, by taking the effect of content contribution, usage of different texts with diversified size dimensions etc.

There’s another issue that you need to give de importance, and it’s associated with the navigation of your system. Yet again, the control enjoyed by the users counts a lot here. In case they are entitled to add few more elements to the navigation bar, the designers normally go for a web design that stays away from inserting a navigation bar with a series of elements/tabs stating about linked pages.

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